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Kidney Pathology & Donor Management

Free On-Demand Webinar

With Expert Transplant Pathologist
Dr. Mohamed El Hag

Kidney Pathology is a highly specialized field – especially as it relates to Transplant and Donor Management. We are excited to have Dr. Mohamed El Hag share his experience on this important and timely topic of Kidney Transplant Pathology.  He covers various topics related to kidney pathology, including the role of pathology in identifying and characterizing kidney diseases, the importance of timely and accurate pathology reports in ensuring successful kidney transplantation.

Who is this for?

Donor & Transplant Professionals

Webinar Summary
  • Variable practices among OPOs​
  • Variable methodologies for analysis and interpretation​
  • Many different pathologists reading biopsies with different backgrounds and training​
  • Glomerular count is not to be over emphasized without evaluation of other parameters ​
  • Pressure to reduce organ discard rate (highest in the US compared to Europe)​
  • Standardization of sampling technique​
  • Standardization of freezing technique​
  • Standardization of interpretation and scoring
  • Lack of standardization in donor biopsy evaluation​
  • Different protocols followed by OPOs and transplant centers​
  • Inter observer variability is a major problem in kidney biopsy interpretation​
  • Utilize biopsy parameters as a whole and as an adjunct to KDPI
  • Standardized practices by well trained pathologists
  • Whole Slide Image scanners make it easier to get scans to experienced pathologist for review and to share images of kidneys with transplantation centers and various OPOs.  ​


Mohamed El Hag, MD

Pathologist – Department of Anatomic Pathology
Robert J. Tomsich Pathology & Laboratory Medicine Institute
Cleveland Clinic Foundation

Dr. Mohamed El Hag is a board certified pathologist with extensive experience in the field of transplantation pathology. He has published numerous research articles and book chapters related to kidney pathology and is a member of numerous professional organizations. Dr. El Hag’s education includes a fellowship in Transplantation Pathology. Dr. El Hag frequently shares his knowledge through educational events, including webinars like this one.

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