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Comprehensive Platform

Collect, Protect, Manage, & Share
your Case Data from Anywhere

CompuMed has developed a customer-specific, cloud-based portal that allows you to view, manage, and share your case data. Electronic exam information is available in real time and is directly tied into the CompuMed workflow, where we monitor and process tests 24/7. Automatic notifications and events provide faster visibility while customer driven reporting accommodates the workflow that best fits our client’s needs.

Completely Redesigned Interface

Comprehensive Image Management

Multiple Modality Uploads
  • Cardiology, Radiology, Pathology, Pulmonology
Select/View/Modify all Case Data
Request Interpretations Directly from Studies
Share Single Study or Complete Case
Structured Report Auto-Confirmation
“Direct Connect” Eliminates CDs, Auto-Send Exams
Smart Phone App
  • Upload image/video without PHI remaining on device

teleradiology portal XA heart study
teleradiology portal CT study
telepathology portal biopsy

Data Extraction and Transmission

The first step in CompuMed’s telemedicine solution is solving the many issues that can arise when attempting to release data from various medical facilities. CompuMed is devoted to developing tools to eliminate these and other frustrations of our clients.

Some of the roadblocks of data extraction that we solve are:

  1. Security protocols
  2. Network availability – inaccessible, unreliable, or too slow
  3. Digital exam file size (can be 500MB or more) and complexity
  4. Wide range of formats including digital and hard-copy

Once the study data has been uploaded, we provide automated notifications as your case progresses through our system. Each case is monitored throughout the process by our 24/7 support center enabling responsive assistance if an issue arises.

Centralized Study Data

CompuMed’s single sign-on system integrates with electronic medical record (EMR) and picture archiving and communication systems (PACS), enabling the collection of all pertinent patient information and imaging into a centralized location.

Hardware Independent

CompuMed’s architecture is hardware-independent. Therefore, your organization can minimize capital expenditures by utilizing existing medical devices. Our strategic partnerships with industry leaders such as GE Healthcare, enable us to provide fully integrated medical devices as part of CompuMed’s solutions.

CompuMed’s “zero-footprint”, web-based software does not require local installation and eliminates users’ responsibility to continually install version updates.


Network Cybersecurity

CompuMed’s technical infrastructure automates the process of accessing our network of specialists and collaborating within your organization securely. Our cybersecurity solutions provide HIPAA compliant encryption and rights management to protect your data online and during transfer.

Data Storage and Analytics

CompuMed’s cloud-based architecture offers robust data capacity enabling online file storage for five years or longer, along with multiple options to download onto your local devices. The retention of study data enables our software to apply analytics and generate insights that can help organizations visualize and improve decision management.

Diagnostic & Productivity Tool Suite

We actively seek the latest technologies to advance diagnostic telemedicine.

EMR Integration

We offer Integration as a service (IAAS) to streamline your DICOM workflow

Integrated Devices

Integrated medical devices enable a unified workflow

Artificial Inteligence - AI

Deep learning AI offers advanced study analysis and workflows improvements

3D Rendering

Volume-Metric Calculations

Auto-Detection Tools

Structured reporting, strength of internet connectivity, Image quality

Pathology “Live View”

Real-time digital microscopy image sharing and collaboration


See how we can put the latest technology to work for you

How it Works

Test results are uploaded via CompuMed’s integrated medical devices and/or services.

HIPAA compliant access and network security ensures you and your case data are protected.

Authorized users can request interpretations, manage and track their case’s progress.

CompuMed’s network of Board-Certified specialist are able to provide interpretations 24/7.

Admins can securely share data with authorized offsite personnel.

Leading-edge software tools to augment the diagnostic process.


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