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3D Volumetric Rendering Offers Benefits to All Transplant Stakeholders 

3D Volumetric Lung Transplant

3D volumetric rendering is a technology that allows medical professionals to visualize the internal structure of organs by converting “slices” of images from CT scans into detailed, three-dimensional images. This process enables transplant surgeons to quickly and accurately assess an organ’s overall size compatibility with potential transplant recipients.

As we discussed in a previously published blog “3D Volumetric Rendering: A Game Changer for Eliminating Late Declines in the OR Due to Size Incompatibility”, one of the most significant advantages of 3D volumetric rendering is its ability to eliminate late declines in the operating room due to size mismatches between recovered organs and their intended recipients. However, the benefits of this technology extend well beyond that. 

3D volumetric rendering offers advantages to OPOs, transplant centers, donor heroes and those who are waiting on lifesaving transplants. 

Ease of Implementation 

Implementing such a game-changing service is as straightforward as ensuring your OPO includes a CAP (chest, abdomen and pelvis) CT scan for every donor early in the donor evaluation process. CompuMed uses existing AI tools and 3D-rendering technology to convert your CT scans into accurate 3D volumetric renderings for heart, lungs, liver and split-liver allocation that allow for: 

    • Determination of anatomical abnormalities 
    • 3D visualization and analysis of vasculature and airways 
    • Quick and accurate evaluation of overall size compatibility 

    When receiving CompuMed’s 3D renderings, transplant centers simply download the images to be uploaded to their own software. Our team is also available to provide any necessary technical support or guidance during this process. 

    Builds Trust with Transplant Centers

    Significantly, these STAT interpretations are available from CompuMed 24/7, 365 days a year. Their reliability and consistency enable your OPO to provide timely, accurate, transplant-focused 3D volumetric renderings that help build trust among your transplant center partners.

    Enable Donor Heroes to Have the Biggest Possible Impact

    Additionally, using 3D volumetrics means tapping into the best technologies available to care for donor heroes and help ensure they have the biggest possible impact. 

    Because 3D volumetric renderings allow surgeons to evaluate size compatibility more accurately, there is a higher chance a donor’s organ will be matched with the best transplant candidate from the start. In this way, 3D volumetrics help you maximize a donor’s gift while bringing comfort and hope to their loved ones. 

    Increase the Number of Split-Liver Transplants 

    Another consideration for using 3D volumetric rendering is that it can increase the number of organs available for transplant, especially livers.

    As we know, the liver is a unique organ in that it can be split and transplanted into two separate patients. 3D volumetric rendering can support the split-liver transplant process in the following ways:

    • Accurately show how and where to split the liver
    • Provide separate reports on the volume and shape of the two liver sections
    • Create renderings of the hepatic arteries that must also be split and shared between the separate sections

    3D Volumetrics in Action: Expanding Pediatric Transplant Opportunities

    One of the most promising uses of this technology is for pediatric liver transplants.

    With the precision and availability of 3D volumetric rendering, pediatric liver programs would have countless more opportunities to utilize adult livers for one or two pediatric transplants. One program, when shown this technology, stated to CompuMed that “If this were performed on all available livers, we would likely eliminate the pediatric liver waiting list!”

    Ready to Learn More about 3D Volumetric Rendering?

    There are numerous advantages to using 3D volumetric rendering for organ donation and transplantation, with potential benefits for all stakeholders.

    Whether you are new to CompuMed or one of our valued partners, our team is here to provide you with more information about 3D volumetric rendering and help you decide if it’s right for you. Contact us today to learn more.

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